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Na takovéto úpravy nemusíte být ani profesionální grafik, ani vlastnit programy za několik tisíc. Úplně nám postačí jednoduchý prohlížeč, například IrfanView, který si můžete stáhnout zadarmo na adrese http://www.irfanview.cz/download.php

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Všechny nabízené programy odškrtnuty.


Po úspěšné instalaci programu nainstalujeme ještě češtinu, která je k dispozici na stejné stránce jako program.


Konečně k úpravě fotek

V následujícím obrázku se podíváme na nainstalovaný program, kde je otevřená fotka s vlkem. 


Zajímat nás budou hodnoty ve spodní části. V náhledu jsou zvýrazněné červenou, modrou a zelenou barvou.

Červenou barvou je zvýrazněno rozlišení původní fotky. Modrou hodnota, na kolik procent je fotka zmenšena při prohlížení a zelenou místo, kolik fotka zabírá na disku.

Pro zobrazení fotky v eStránkách nám ve většině šablon bude stačit šířka fotky 400 - 600px, což je prakticky desetina zde zmíněného originálu. 

Pro zmenšení fotky klikněte nahoře v nabídce na položku "Obrázek" a vyberte "Změnit velikost/rozlišení" (klávesová zkratka Ctrl + R). Otevře se vám následující okno, kde můžete obrázek zmenšit: 


Zajímat vás bude žlutě zvýrazněná hodnota, kterou nastavíte novou šířku nového obrázku, výška se přepočítá automaticky, aby nedošlo k deformaci. Potvrďte tlačítkem OK a zobrazí se vám fotka v nových rozměrech.

Pokud jste s rozměry spokojení, musíte upravenou fotku uložit. To můžete provést v nabídce Soubor > Uložit jako. Svoji fotku si pojmenujte a typ souboru zvolte "JPG". Vpravo se vám zobrazí okno s dalším nastavením - zajímat vás bude "Kvalita při uložení" - zvýrazněno oranžově.


Kvalitu doporučuji držet okolo hodnoty 80, kdy výsledná velikost fotky zabere asi dvě procenta původní velikosti.


Pro představu: V programu Zdarma byste mohli mít buď 50 fotek v původní velikosti, nebo 2500 zmenšených podle tohoto návodu. Konkrétní čísla se můžou lišit podle parametrů foťáku a rozlišení, v jakém fotíte.



13. 6. 2013


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Jamesduami 27. 7. 2024 9:33

The Hidden Allure in Expensive Imitation Purses

Luxury purses has always been an icon for prestige along with grace. From the famous Coco 2.55 until a timeless Hermès Birkin, these purses has captured a passions of fashion aficionados worldwide. But not everyone can justify a hefty cost tags which come with such desired accessories. Enter high-end replica handbags, offering a slice of luxury style at the fraction of the price.
Why Is Consumers Drawn toward Expensive Imitation Purses?
High-end replica handbags remain much than just copies; they replicate an allure along with prestige of luxury brands. For many, having a replica enables them towards experience that charm from high-end without emptying the account. These replicas provide an style, craftsmanship, and refinement which numerous seek however cannot justify.

In addition to a financial factor, high-end imitations moreover offer an chance for fashion enthusiasts to diversify their wardrobe. Instead of purchasing in a costly original, consumers are able to own various imitations, each catering to different occasions along with styles. That flexibility is particularly appealing for those who enjoy to experiment in their fashion.
Moral along with Economic Implications regarding Imitation Luxury Products
A world of the luxury replicas is never without their debates. Critics argue which purchasing replicas diminishes an worth in original brands along with contributes to a fake industry. Nonetheless, it remains important towards consider the financial background. High-quality replicas often often are produced under ethical working circumstances, contrasting greatly with the frequent questionable operations of cheap imitations.

Additionally, among certain consumers, replicas serve as the gateway to valuing along with eventually investing in authentic luxury goods. They provides a taste of how having a high-end product is like, potentially resulting to later buying of authentics if economic circumstances permit.
Advice towards Identifying High-Quality Expensive Replicas
When venturing into a realm for luxury replicas, it remains crucial to recognize the distinctive markers which distinguish a premium piece in the simple imitation. Here are some advice to guide you:

Components and Craftsmanship
An premium imitation utilizes materials that nearly replicate those from an original. Search for real materials, sturdy components, and meticulous sewing.


Raymondidesk 27. 7. 2024 6:08

The Hidden Glamour in Expensive Replica Handbags

Luxury purses have always been a symbol of status and elegance. From the famous Coco 2.55 until the classic Hermès Birkin, such bags has enchanted a passions of style aficionados worldwide. However not each can afford a hefty cost labels which come with these desired items. Introducing high-end replica handbags, offering an slice in luxury style at the portion of the price.
Why Is Consumers Drawn toward Expensive Replica Purses?
Luxury imitation purses remain more simply just copies; these replicate an allure and prestige of high-end labels. For numerous, having a replica allows them to savor that charm of luxury minus emptying one's bank. These replicas offer the design, quality, along with sophistication which many seek but don't afford.

In addition to the financial aspect, luxury imitations moreover offer an opportunity towards fashion enthusiasts towards diversify their closet. Instead of investing one a costly authentic, they can own various replicas, each catering to different occasions along with looks. This flexibility remains particularly appealing for ones that enjoy towards experiment with their fashion.
Moral along with Economic Consequences of Imitation Luxury Products
A realm of luxury imitations is not without its controversies. Opponents argue which purchasing imitations undermines an worth of authentic brands along with adds toward a counterfeit market. However, it remains essential towards consider the economic landscape. High-quality replicas can frequently be created under fair working circumstances, contrasting greatly with those frequent shady operations in low-quality knock-offs.

Moreover, among certain consumers, replicas act as a introduction towards appreciating and ultimately investing into genuine luxury products. They offer the sense in what owning an luxury item is similar to, potentially leading toward future buying of originals if economic situations allow.
Advice for Identifying High-Quality Expensive Imitations
If venturing into a realm for luxury replicas, it remains important to recognize the distinctive signs that distinguish a premium product from the simple imitation. Below are a few advice to help consumers:

Components and Craftsmanship
A premium imitation uses components that closely replicate those of the authentic. Look for real materials, sturdy components, and meticulous sewing.


Brettusapy 27. 7. 2024 3:43


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Richardded 26. 7. 2024 23:20

A Secret Allure of Expensive Imitation Handbags

High-end handbags have always been a icon for status and elegance. From a iconic Chanel 2.55 until the classic Hermes Birkin, these bags have captured a hearts among fashion enthusiasts globally. But not everyone has justify a hefty price tags that arrive along these coveted items. Introducing luxury imitation purses, offering an piece in high-end fashion for the portion from the cost.
How come Is We Attracted toward Luxury Replica Handbags?
Luxury replica handbags remain more than mere imitations; they mimic an allure along with appeal of high-end labels. Among numerous, owning a imitation enables individuals to savor the charm of luxury minus breaking one's account. These replicas offer the design, craftsmanship, along with sophistication that numerous seek but cannot justify.

In addition to a economic factor, luxury imitations also provide an chance towards fashion lovers towards diversify one's closet. Instead than investing in a expensive authentic, consumers can enjoy multiple imitations, every catering to different occasions along with styles. That variety remains particularly appealing to those who enjoy towards play in their fashion.
Moral and Economic Consequences of Replica Luxury Products
A world of the luxury replicas remains not lacking in their debates. Critics argue that buying imitations diminishes an value in original labels and contributes toward a counterfeit industry. Nonetheless, it remains essential to consider a financial background. High-quality replicas can often are created under fair working circumstances, differing greatly with the often shady practices in cheap knock-offs.

Moreover, for some consumers, imitations serve like a gateway to appreciating and ultimately buying in authentic high-end products. It offer a sense in how owning an luxury item is like, potentially leading to later purchases from authentics if financial circumstances permit.
Tips for Identifying High-Quality Expensive Replicas
If venturing into the world of high-end replicas, it remains important towards recognize an quality signs which distinguish a high-quality piece in a mere knock-off. Below are a few tips to guide you:

Components along with Quality
An high-quality imitation uses components which nearly mimic that from an authentic. Look for genuine leather, solid hardware, and meticulous sewing.


Alfredlom 26. 7. 2024 19:55

A Secret Allure in Expensive Imitation Purses

Luxury purses have always remained an symbol for status and grace. From a famous Chanel 2.55 to a classic Hermès Birkin, these purses has enchanted a hearts among fashion aficionados worldwide. However not each has afford a high cost labels which come with these desired accessories. Enter luxury imitation purses, offering a piece in high-end fashion at the fraction from the price.
How come Is We Attracted to Luxury Replica Handbags?
High-end replica handbags are more than mere imitations; these mimic the prestige and prestige of high-end labels. For numerous, owning a imitation enables them to experience that charm of high-end without emptying the account. Such replicas offer the design, craftsmanship, and sophistication which numerous seek but cannot justify.

In addition to a economic factor, high-end imitations also provide a chance for style lovers to diversify one's wardrobe. Instead than purchasing in a expensive original, they are able to enjoy various imitations, each tailored to various events along with looks. That flexibility remains particularly appealing to those that love towards play with their style.
Ethical and Financial Consequences regarding Replica Luxury Goods
The realm of the high-end imitations is not without its controversies. Critics claim that purchasing replicas undermines the value in authentic labels and adds toward the fake market. Nonetheless, it's important towards consider the financial background. High-quality imitations can often are produced with ethical labor conditions, contrasting sharply with the often questionable practices in cheap knock-offs.

Moreover, among certain consumers, replicas serve like a introduction to valuing and eventually investing into genuine luxury goods. They offer the taste of what having an high-end product is similar to, possibly resulting to future buying from originals when financial circumstances allow.
Tips towards Spotting Premium Expensive Replicas
If venturing in the realm of luxury replicas, it’s crucial to identify an quality signs which separate a premium product from a simple imitation. Here are some advice for guide consumers:

Materials and Craftsmanship
An premium replica uses materials that closely replicate those of an authentic. Search for genuine leather, sturdy components, along with meticulous sewing.


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RobertBrurb 26. 7. 2024 16:10

The Hidden Glamour in Expensive Imitation Handbags

High-end handbags has always been an symbol of prestige and elegance. From the iconic Coco 2.55 until the classic Hermes Birkin, such bags has enchanted the passions of style enthusiasts worldwide. But not everyone can justify a hefty cost tags that come with such coveted items. Enter high-end imitation handbags, providing a slice of luxury style at the fraction of the price.
How come Are Consumers Attracted to Expensive Replica Purses?
Luxury replica handbags remain much than mere imitations; they replicate the allure along with prestige of high-end labels. Among many, owning a imitation allows them to savor the appeal of high-end without emptying one's bank. These imitations provide an style, craftsmanship, and refinement which many desire however don't justify.

In addition to the financial aspect, luxury replicas moreover offer an opportunity towards style enthusiasts to expand one's wardrobe. Instead of investing one one costly original, consumers are able to own various imitations, each tailored for various occasions and styles. That variety is especially attractive for ones who enjoy to experiment with one's style.
Moral along with Economic Implications of Replica Luxury Goods
A world of the luxury replicas is never without its controversies. Critics claim that buying replicas undermines an worth in authentic brands and adds toward a fake industry. However, it remains essential towards consider the financial background. High-quality imitations can frequently are created with ethical labor circumstances, contrasting greatly with those often questionable practices in low-quality imitations.

Additionally, for certain consumers, replicas act as the gateway to valuing and ultimately buying into authentic high-end goods. They provides the taste in what having an luxury product is like, potentially leading to later purchases from originals when economic situations allow.
Tips towards Spotting High-Quality Expensive Imitations
When venturing in the world for luxury imitations, it remains important to identify an distinctive signs that separate an high-quality piece from the simple knock-off. Below are a few advice to help you:

Components along with Quality
A premium replica utilizes components that nearly replicate that from an authentic. Search for genuine leather, solid components, and meticulous stitching.


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Jasonmop 26. 7. 2024 9:56

Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Function of Know-how and Community Platforms in Modern day Medicine

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For healthcare specialists, caregivers, Besides wellness fanatics, comprehending the role of technological innovation in Health care is vital. This blog short article will examine commonly the interesting techniques technological innovation is reshaping usually the healthcare landscape and what it implies to fit your wants.


The Value of Group Techniques for Healthcare Pros, Caregivers, and Wellness Enthusiasts

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Robertwap 26. 7. 2024 7:16

A Secret Glamour in Expensive Imitation Purses

Luxury purses has always remained an icon for prestige and elegance. Starting with the iconic Coco 2.55 until the classic Hermes Birkin, these bags have enchanted the hearts of fashion enthusiasts worldwide. But not each can justify the high cost tags that arrive along these coveted items. Introducing luxury imitation handbags, offering a slice of high-end fashion for the portion from the price.
Why Is We Drawn toward Expensive Imitation Handbags?
High-end replica purses are more simply just copies; they mimic the allure along with prestige of luxury brands. For numerous, owning a replica allows individuals to savor the charm from high-end without breaking one's bank. These replicas offer the design, quality, along with refinement which numerous desire however don't justify.

Besides the economic aspect, high-end imitations also provide an chance for style enthusiasts to expand one's closet. Rather than investing in a costly original, consumers can own various imitations, each tailored to different occasions and styles. That variety is particularly attractive for those who love to experiment with their style.
Moral along with Financial Consequences of Replica Luxury Products
A world of the luxury imitations is not without their debates. Critics claim that purchasing imitations diminishes the worth in authentic labels along with adds toward the counterfeit market. Nonetheless, it's important to consider the financial landscape. High-quality replicas can often are produced with ethical working conditions, differing greatly with the frequent questionable practices in low-quality knock-offs.

Additionally, for certain buyers, replicas act like a gateway towards valuing along with ultimately investing into genuine luxury goods. They offer a taste of what owning an luxury item feels like, possibly leading to future buying from authentics if economic situations permit.
Tips for Identifying Premium Luxury Replicas
When exploring into a realm of luxury imitations, it remains crucial to identify the quality signs which distinguish a premium product in a simple knock-off. Here is some tips to guide consumers:

Materials along with Quality
An premium imitation uses materials that closely replicate those from an original. Search toward real leather, solid components, and precise stitching.


Howardshusy 26. 7. 2024 3:27

A Hidden Allure of Expensive Replica Purses

High-end purses has consistently been a icon for prestige and elegance. From a iconic Coco 2.55 to a classic Hermes Birkin, such purses has captured the hearts of style enthusiasts globally. However nobody each can justify the high cost labels which come along these desired accessories. Enter high-end imitation handbags, offering an slice of high-end style for the fraction of that cost.
How come Is Consumers Drawn to Expensive Imitation Purses?
High-end imitation handbags are much than just copies; these replicate an allure along with prestige from high-end brands. Among numerous, owning an imitation enables individuals towards experience that charm of luxury without emptying one's account. These imitations offer the design, craftsmanship, along with sophistication that numerous desire but cannot justify.

In addition to a economic factor, luxury imitations moreover provide an opportunity towards fashion lovers to diversify one's closet. Rather of purchasing one one costly authentic, they are able to own various replicas, each tailored for various occasions and styles. This variety is particularly appealing to ones that love towards experiment in their style.
Moral and Economic Consequences of Replica High-end Goods
A world of the luxury imitations is not lacking in their controversies. Opponents claim that purchasing imitations undermines the worth of original brands along with adds toward a fake industry. Nonetheless, it's essential towards consider a financial background. High-quality replicas often frequently are created with fair labor conditions, differing sharply from those frequent shady operations in low-quality knock-offs.

Moreover, for some buyers, imitations act as the gateway to appreciating along with ultimately buying into genuine luxury goods. It provides a taste in how having an luxury item feels like, possibly leading to future buying of authentics if financial situations allow.
Advice for Identifying Premium Luxury Replicas
When venturing in a realm of high-end imitations, it remains crucial to recognize the distinctive markers which distinguish an premium piece from the mere imitation. Below are some advice to guide consumers:

Components and Quality
A high-quality imitation uses materials that closely replicate that of the original. Search toward genuine materials, sturdy hardware, and precise sewing.


AndrewTiC 26. 7. 2024 0:03

A Secret Allure in Expensive Replica Purses

High-end purses has consistently remained an symbol of status and elegance. Starting with the famous Chanel 2.55 to a timeless Hermès Birkin, these bags have captured a passions among fashion enthusiasts worldwide. But nobody each can justify a high cost tags that come along such coveted accessories. Enter luxury imitation purses, offering an piece in high-end fashion at a fraction of the price.
Why Are Consumers Attracted to Expensive Replica Handbags?
Luxury imitation handbags remain more than mere imitations; these replicate an allure along with appeal of luxury labels. Among numerous, having an imitation allows them towards savor that appeal from high-end minus breaking one's account. Such replicas offer the design, craftsmanship, and sophistication which numerous seek but cannot afford.

In addition to a economic factor, luxury replicas also provide an chance for fashion enthusiasts towards diversify their closet. Instead than investing in one expensive authentic, consumers are able to enjoy multiple replicas, every tailored for different occasions along with styles. This flexibility is especially appealing to ones who love towards play with their fashion.
Ethical and Financial Implications of Imitation High-end Products
The world of high-end replicas remains never lacking in its debates. Opponents claim that buying replicas undermines an worth of original labels along with contributes to the fake market. Nonetheless, it's essential to consider the economic background. High-quality replicas often frequently be created with fair working conditions, differing greatly with those often shady practices in cheap knock-offs.

Moreover, for some buyers, replicas serve like a gateway to valuing and eventually investing into genuine high-end products. It provides a taste of what having a high-end item feels like, possibly resulting toward future purchases of originals if financial circumstances permit.
Tips towards Identifying Premium Luxury Replicas
If exploring in a world of high-end imitations, it remains important to identify an quality markers which distinguish an premium piece from a mere imitation. Here is a few advice to help consumers:

Components and Quality
A high-quality imitation uses materials that nearly mimic that of the original. Look for genuine materials, sturdy hardware, and precise stitching.


Clarkpig 25. 7. 2024 20:53

The Hidden Allure in Luxury Imitation Purses

High-end purses has always been a icon of prestige and grace. Starting with the famous Chanel 2.55 until the timeless Hermes Birkin, these purses has captured a hearts of fashion enthusiasts globally. But nobody each can afford the hefty price tags which come along such coveted accessories. Introducing high-end imitation handbags, providing an piece of high-end style at a fraction from that cost.
How come Are Consumers Attracted toward Expensive Replica Purses?
Luxury replica purses are much than mere copies; they replicate an prestige and appeal of high-end brands. Among numerous, having a imitation allows individuals to experience that charm from luxury without emptying one's account. These imitations provide an style, quality, and refinement that numerous desire but cannot justify.

Besides a financial aspect, high-end imitations also provide a opportunity for style lovers to expand their closet. Instead of investing one one costly original, consumers are able to enjoy multiple replicas, each catering to various occasions along with styles. This variety is especially appealing for ones that enjoy towards play in one's fashion.
Moral and Economic Implications regarding Replica Luxury Goods
A world of high-end replicas remains not without its controversies. Opponents claim that purchasing replicas diminishes the worth of original brands along with contributes toward the fake industry. However, it's essential towards understand the financial landscape. High-quality imitations often often be created with fair labor conditions, differing greatly with the frequent shady practices of low-quality imitations.

Moreover, among some consumers, imitations serve as a gateway to appreciating along with ultimately investing into authentic high-end products. It provides the taste of what having a high-end item feels like, possibly resulting toward future buying of authentics when economic situations allow.
Tips towards Spotting Premium Luxury Imitations
When exploring in the realm of luxury replicas, it’s crucial towards recognize an quality markers which separate an high-quality product in the mere imitation. Below is some tips to help consumers:

Materials along with Craftsmanship
A high-quality replica uses components that nearly replicate that of the authentic. Look for genuine materials, sturdy components, along with meticulous sewing.


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BobbyGet 25. 7. 2024 13:52

The Secret Glamour of Expensive Replica Purses

Luxury handbags have always been an icon of status along with elegance. From the famous Chanel 2.55 to a classic Hermès Birkin, such bags have captured the hearts among fashion enthusiasts globally. However nobody everyone has afford a high price tags that arrive along such desired items. Enter luxury imitation purses, offering a slice in high-end style for a portion of the cost.
Why Are We Drawn to Expensive Replica Purses?
High-end replica purses remain much simply mere imitations; they mimic the allure and prestige from luxury brands. Among many, having an replica enables individuals towards experience that appeal from luxury without emptying one's account. Such imitations offer the design, craftsmanship, along with refinement that numerous desire but don't justify.

Besides the financial aspect, high-end replicas moreover offer a opportunity for fashion lovers to diversify one's wardrobe. Instead of purchasing in one costly original, consumers are able to own various imitations, each tailored to various occasions along with looks. This variety is particularly appealing for those that enjoy towards experiment in their style.
Ethical and Economic Consequences regarding Replica High-end Goods
The realm of luxury replicas remains never without their debates. Opponents claim which purchasing imitations undermines the value of authentic brands and adds toward a counterfeit market. However, it's important towards understand a economic background. High-quality imitations can frequently be produced with fair working circumstances, contrasting greatly from those often shady practices in low-quality knock-offs.

Moreover, among some buyers, imitations serve like a introduction towards valuing and eventually buying in authentic high-end goods. They offer the taste of what owning an luxury item feels like, potentially resulting toward later buying of originals when financial situations permit.
Tips towards Spotting High-Quality Expensive Replicas
If venturing in the realm for high-end imitations, it’s important towards identify an distinctive markers that separate a high-quality product in a mere knock-off. Below are some tips to guide you:

Components and Quality
An premium replica utilizes components which closely mimic those of an authentic. Look for real leather, sturdy components, and meticulous sewing.


Brettbaiff 25. 7. 2024 13:45

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