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Jak změnit velikost fotografií a šetřit své místo na eStránkách


Ať už používáte eStránky zdarma a máte k dispozici 200 MB nebo používáte eShop s 8 GB, může se stát, že kapacita nebude stačit. Většinou je to kvůli tomu, že na své stránky nahráváte příliš velké obrázky, které zbytečně zabírají místo. V dnešním návodu si ukážeme, jak velké fotky zmenšit.

Volba a instalace programu

Na takovéto úpravy nemusíte být ani profesionální grafik, ani vlastnit programy za několik tisíc. Úplně nám postačí jednoduchý prohlížeč, například IrfanView, který si můžete stáhnout zadarmo na adrese http://www.irfanview.cz/download.php

Při instalaci si dejte pozor především na krok, kdy nám instalační program nabízí nainstalování aplikací, o které nemáme zájem (oba doporučuji odškrtnout):

Všechny nabízené programy odškrtnuty.


Po úspěšné instalaci programu nainstalujeme ještě češtinu, která je k dispozici na stejné stránce jako program.


Konečně k úpravě fotek

V následujícím obrázku se podíváme na nainstalovaný program, kde je otevřená fotka s vlkem. 


Zajímat nás budou hodnoty ve spodní části. V náhledu jsou zvýrazněné červenou, modrou a zelenou barvou.

Červenou barvou je zvýrazněno rozlišení původní fotky. Modrou hodnota, na kolik procent je fotka zmenšena při prohlížení a zelenou místo, kolik fotka zabírá na disku.

Pro zobrazení fotky v eStránkách nám ve většině šablon bude stačit šířka fotky 400 - 600px, což je prakticky desetina zde zmíněného originálu. 

Pro zmenšení fotky klikněte nahoře v nabídce na položku "Obrázek" a vyberte "Změnit velikost/rozlišení" (klávesová zkratka Ctrl + R). Otevře se vám následující okno, kde můžete obrázek zmenšit: 


Zajímat vás bude žlutě zvýrazněná hodnota, kterou nastavíte novou šířku nového obrázku, výška se přepočítá automaticky, aby nedošlo k deformaci. Potvrďte tlačítkem OK a zobrazí se vám fotka v nových rozměrech.

Pokud jste s rozměry spokojení, musíte upravenou fotku uložit. To můžete provést v nabídce Soubor > Uložit jako. Svoji fotku si pojmenujte a typ souboru zvolte "JPG". Vpravo se vám zobrazí okno s dalším nastavením - zajímat vás bude "Kvalita při uložení" - zvýrazněno oranžově.


Kvalitu doporučuji držet okolo hodnoty 80, kdy výsledná velikost fotky zabere asi dvě procenta původní velikosti.


Pro představu: V programu Zdarma byste mohli mít buď 50 fotek v původní velikosti, nebo 2500 zmenšených podle tohoto návodu. Konkrétní čísla se můžou lišit podle parametrů foťáku a rozlišení, v jakém fotíte.



13. 6. 2013


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CharlessAscen 6. 4. 2024 9:44

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Конец тегов

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BryanSmaws 5. 4. 2024 21:01

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BryanSmaws 5. 4. 2024 15:59

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JosephShids 5. 4. 2024 15:37

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BryanSmaws 5. 4. 2024 14:35

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KeithustEcope 5. 4. 2024 9:04

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Конец тегов

AndrewDaump 5. 4. 2024 8:50

The Ultimate Guide To replicas bag be roma

You’re not in search of cheap knock-offs that everybody could spot. You’re not trying to find stuff that is obviously built in China. You’re not trying to find things that falls apart or gets faded really promptly.

I picked up a set of replica Jordans and was content from The instant I wore them. The quality of your replica merchandise offered on DHgate are good providing you choose the ideal seller.
Seeking stylish and high-close, the Patek 5711 replica matches the renowned design and talent with the real Patek.

You have to be clever to buy from these sites particularly when you’re searching for some thing particular. This wholesale replica web page doesn't checklist the particular brand names, but upon in fact viewing the evaluate area, you’ll see that the merchandise appear like the first.

A person rationale why I really like good Fake Louis Vuitton Sellers a lot is that they're really transparent. They let you know the limitations with the knock-offs they do. They are also upfront about the material, the quality of the development, etc and so forth.

Once you've placed your purchase, ABag will get your new bag transported out rapid. They provide world-wide shipping and delivery by means of best couriers so that you can track your package each move of how.
So that you can prolong the longevity of AAA replica garments, proper care needs to be taken when washing and drying.
Regularly acquired 5-star reviews, dispatched orders in time, and replied quickly to messages Sort by: Relevancy

When done right, purchasing a replica bag can give you a wonderful deal on a trendy accent that will Typically be way too high-priced For numerous budgets.

If you are seeking a cheaper different to ebay, AliExpress is a superb pitstop. Over in this article you’ll locate the best replica products starting from cellphones and electronics to vogue add-ons inside a wholesale amount.

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Our variety of AAA replicas is unmatched. We meticulously craft each bit to be certain it satisfies our high specifications of quality and precision.

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When looking for AAA replica dresses it’s sensible to help keep these issues in your mind ahead of purchasing replica objects – or take into consideration choice alternatives altogether.

AndrewDaump 4. 4. 2024 22:59

Top Guidelines Of luxury replica bags beroma

The primary rule of purchasing replica bags online is to help keep your cash secure. Only acquire from websites that permit payment by charge card or PayPal. These solutions keep the financial details secured and make refunds straightforward if necessary.

Replicas and fakes have gotten significantly common in The style marketplace. They are frequently bought online or in Bodily markets as an affordable substitute to the original designer solutions.
Call them at any time and really feel the assistance of a company dedicated to building your replica bag dreams a reality.

Phrases like "dupes" have created superfakes much more well known mainly because it has become a development to search out cheap merchandise which might be similar to the initial. Both of these things have contributed towards the skyrocketing price of superfakes, that has produced them more of a commodity.

- Correct Representation: Browse merchandise descriptions closely to be certain the details like materials and dimensions match the designer originals.

As the recognition of replicas and fakes grows, so does the volume of people who are unaware in the discrepancies in between them. To help you make an knowledgeable selection, Allow’s consider a closer check out what sets AAA replicas aside from fakes.
Certainly, They're! AAA Swiss replica watches are created with high-quality products and parts, properly trying to keep out h2o. These watches are created to mimic precisely the same construction and performance as their original counterparts.
Unfortunately, folks, this magnificence is limited only to sale in the UK. Nevertheless, it is a superb platform for newer and growing manufacturers like Pacha and ChupaChups whilst also selling wholesale designer outfits of models like Clavin Klein. Each individual acquire from this wholesaler comes along with a guarantee, you may unwind. Professionals

Suppliers can make an application for verification by providing documentation and undergoing an evaluation approach. Verified suppliers are presented a badge on their own profile, which aids to build rely on with opportunity customers.

With leading-notch replicas, you are able to curate a whole luxury wardrobe on a budget. The quality and workmanship rival the real deal when the costs are much friendlier. Elevate your entire search for much less.

I’m normally current with style trendsetters like Bella Hadid and Kylie Jenner. And my friends can also be quite vogue aware.

With the best information and facts and some persistence, you'll be able to end up the proper replica bag. So don’t hold out any more and start purchasing for your new favored accessory today!

For designer replica totes that pass even the toughest inspection, ABags provides exceptional quality and worth. Now you are able to enjoy Status design with no outrageous rate tags.
The wholesale replica sellers on these websites cumulatively have around forty million merchandise listed. Be happy to peruse at your ease. DHgate can be a site I’ve fallen in really like with owing to their insanely good assortment of replica sneakers.

HaroldLig 4. 4. 2024 17:13

Top Princess Cut Engagement Rings Secrets

Just like all good diamond jewellery, you’ll wish to retail store your pear shaped diamond in the jewelry box separate from almost every other diamonds any time you’re not wearing it. Also make sure to eliminate it when accomplishing any Bodily exercise, showering, cleansing or swimming.

While emerald cuts search wonderful in any design placing, vintage configurations like modern halos, solitaires, and straightforward pave variations accentuate their minimalistic aesthetic.

Yrigoyen bought down on one particular knee inside the Maldives and offered Kufrin with the eighteen-karat yellow gold 3-stone engagement ring by resident Bachelor/Bachelorette jeweler Neil Lane Couture full with an oval-cut Heart diamond framed by two smaller sized stones (a nod to Meghan Markle’s stunning sparkler, Maybe?) and a diamond-encrusted band totaling 3.seventy six carats.

A sapphire engagement ring conveys the attributes of honesty, sincerity and faithfulness. It is usually believed to deliver excellent fortune to your couple and continue to keep the wedding robust and balanced.

Similar to almost every other great diamond jewellery, cushion Lower diamonds ought to be saved individually from other items within a jewellery box when not being worn. Be sure to go ahead and take jewellery off when Placing on lotion or every other personal care merchandise and when participating in Bodily action, showering, cleansing, snooze or swimming. Next the following pointers may help keep your cushion Slash jewelry in wonderful shape to last a life time!

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Are definitely the Options Strong or Plated? Our motivation to top quality is reflected in every aspect of our craftsmanship. Every single Quorri setting and accessory is meticulously hand-crafted from SOLID 14k gold, 18k gold, or 950 platinum, ensuring unparalleled toughness and longevity.


Here is a selection of four-star and 5-star opinions from prospects who have been delighted Along with the solutions they located in this class.

All-natural diamonds are established by character, because of extreme warmth and stress, formed around the study course of an incredible number of several years. Steeped in romance, natural diamonds have demonstrated to keep their benefit over time and may even multiply in benefit.

The three carat ring is an ideal option for individuals who want A really amazing and eye-catching engagement ring, though the 2 carat ring is a fantastic solution for those who want a rather more understated search. In spite of which size you decide on, you can be confident that the spouse will appreciate the natural beauty and sparkle of these round diamond rings.

The only thing which makes a lab created diamond unique from a pure diamond is its origin. A lab-designed diamond is developed within a lab making use of reducing-edge engineering that replicates the purely natural diamond expanding procedure.

The shape of an oval diamond is most recognizable when looking directly down at it, which makes it a superbly understated alternative. The shape will change a bit from ring to ring according to the size-to-width ratio of the particular stone.

Exceptional Carat offers emerald cut diamonds in equally natural and lab grown commencing at 0.30ct. And earlier mentioned! We also offer you many location type alternatives to pick from.

Vintage black onyx engagement ring sterling silver ring artwork deco curved stacking band pear shaped bridal established unique moissanite wedding ceremony established

AndrewDaump 4. 4. 2024 16:51

Top Guidelines Of replica designer bags suppliers beroma

A lot of the models that I wanted to invest in are just impossibly costly. I’ve fallen in love with their makes, but They only ended up from reach for me. I had been miserable, to be honest.

Some crucial tips for doing so consist of washing in cold h2o with gentle detergent before air-drying it afterwards. Severe chemical substances or bleach have to also be prevented to help keep clothing item hunting its best!
Let us discover sensible tactics for finding replica designer bags that rival the real matter without the outrageous price tag tags. Observe these tips and you will end up with a gorgeous, perfectly-designed bag that looks straight off the runway.

If you see these indicators, there’s a high chance that you are managing a super fake. We analyzed numerous retailers and at the conclusion of the day, luxtime appears to be the best during the business enterprise, no uncertainties about that.

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It’s not evident, but it surely’s there. They're famous for his or her selection of replica designer bags and electronic devices that you could get for nearly a fraction in their retail cost.
It's the fantastic information which make or break an excellent replica, and ABag's artisans have mastered the delicate nuances. They make time to meticulously build Each and every bag, making sure the stitching and logo placements precisely mirror the originals.
The most popular variety of replica bag is really a one:one clone. These designer-inspired pieces are made with high quality products and hardware that intently resembles their first counterparts in both of those appearances and really feel.

It’s uncomplicated. Do you know how A lot a Prada bag charges? We’re referring to about $five,000 for every bag. I’m not even discussing Hermes or upper-finish Louis Vuitton.

So from a searching working experience, they earn. I suggest, you practically seek out the product or service you want and also you’ll uncover the choices and you'll invest in it in bulk. Examine this out.

Hook: Are you presently contemplating paying for a designer item but don’t would like to pay the total selling price? Read on to know the difference between AAA replicas and fakes, and the way to make an knowledgeable final decision In regards to acquiring luxury objects.

A lot of folks are believing that whenever they’re planning to insist on the very best, they’re going to be outside of countless pounds. That’s not essentially correct. It's important to shop for these items the sensible way.

For designer replica totes that move even the toughest inspection, ABags provides Remarkable quality and worth. Now it is possible to take pleasure in prestige fashion without the outrageous value tags.

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World wide resources is a identified and reputed platform that sells wholesale goods and ensures trustworthy transactions between B2B agreements.

Fake bags that you invest in online may from time to time truly appear fake in comparison to the first branded bags. Bagsheaven is a dedicated online wholesale website that sells fake and replica luxury bags that have an uncanny resemblance to the original. They can be registered and reliable.
Up coming Month I plan to invest in this a single. Should you have any ideas for the design you’d like me to order and check allow me to know! (I could make shortly a photo gallery over the website with the many replicas I have – I just didn't locate the time for it however )

ABag has perfected the art of creating replica bags that are just about indistinguishable with the real matter. They don't cut corners - their bags match the originals in quality leather, components, and craftsmanship. No giveaway flaws right here.

The reality is most makers and sellers can be found on most platforms. If it’s common, They're on it. Like 1688.

An “AAA replica” is really a high-quality counterfeit or imitation of an item, frequently noticed in luxury things, carefully resembling the initial although not licensed because of the manufacturer or manufacturer.
Here is a variety of four-star and 5-star assessments from shoppers who have been delighted Using the products and solutions they located in this group.
If Alibaba doesn’t allow it to be to this checklist, I’m not sure what is often. Alibaba is amongst the best places to land in case you’re aiming to obtain fake things on a wholesale basis.

ABag stands guiding their goods with a transparent, no-fuss refund policy. Should your replica would not meet anticipations, attain out within just 24 hours and their stellar customer care team will make it correct. Buying with self esteem would be the ABag way.

For replica bags, replica sneakers and jerseys, Dhgate is the number #1 replica online wholesaler. Dhgate sellers offer in bulk too. Alibaba and Aliexpress occur a close next in terms of array of items, Though the gathering isn’t as wide as Dhgate and product discoverability is tough.

The place which i’m likely to show you is really a mystery to a lot of people. It’s an open solution, however it’s a key Even so.

AAA replica outfits may be worn anywhere as They can be generally indistinguishable through the reliable merchandise.

An AAA replica observe is made with excellent focus to element to look like the first. This features the elements applied, how it works, And exactly how it seems.
AliExpress is my all time favorite shopping place for replica electronics and fashion equipment. I picked up a bunch of their replica AirPods a handful of months back and I have to say, they appear and feel fairly like the original AirPods, so it’s Safe and sound to say that AliExpress will be the best place to select up replica wi-fi earbuds in case you’re on the budget.

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if you do not do something such as going on the street and telling your government which is controlled by the Jews to stop killing the Gaza people and stop the Israeli War and send food to the starving people of Gaza. If you can not do it then forward this message with the above two links to at least 4 of your friends and ask them to forward it to 4 of their friends so that the world will know that the new mass murderers are the Jews of the world . It is ironic that the Holocaust servicers (the Jews) are creating a new Holocaust against the Philistines in Gaza.

if you do not do this also then you do not have a HART