Jak změnit velikost fotografií a šetřit své místo na eStránkách
Ať už používáte eStránky zdarma a máte k dispozici 200 MB nebo používáte eShop s 8 GB, může se stát, že kapacita nebude stačit. Většinou je to kvůli tomu, že na své stránky nahráváte příliš velké obrázky, které zbytečně zabírají místo. V dnešním návodu si ukážeme, jak velké fotky zmenšit.
Volba a instalace programu
Na takovéto úpravy nemusíte být ani profesionální grafik, ani vlastnit programy za několik tisíc. Úplně nám postačí jednoduchý prohlížeč, například IrfanView, který si můžete stáhnout zadarmo na adrese http://www.irfanview.cz/download.php
Při instalaci si dejte pozor především na krok, kdy nám instalační program nabízí nainstalování aplikací, o které nemáme zájem (oba doporučuji odškrtnout):
Po úspěšné instalaci programu nainstalujeme ještě češtinu, která je k dispozici na stejné stránce jako program.
Konečně k úpravě fotek
V následujícím obrázku se podíváme na nainstalovaný program, kde je otevřená fotka s vlkem.
Zajímat nás budou hodnoty ve spodní části. V náhledu jsou zvýrazněné červenou, modrou a zelenou barvou.
Červenou barvou je zvýrazněno rozlišení původní fotky. Modrou hodnota, na kolik procent je fotka zmenšena při prohlížení a zelenou místo, kolik fotka zabírá na disku.
Pro zobrazení fotky v eStránkách nám ve většině šablon bude stačit šířka fotky 400 - 600px, což je prakticky desetina zde zmíněného originálu.
Pro zmenšení fotky klikněte nahoře v nabídce na položku "Obrázek" a vyberte "Změnit velikost/rozlišení" (klávesová zkratka Ctrl + R). Otevře se vám následující okno, kde můžete obrázek zmenšit:
Zajímat vás bude žlutě zvýrazněná hodnota, kterou nastavíte novou šířku nového obrázku, výška se přepočítá automaticky, aby nedošlo k deformaci. Potvrďte tlačítkem OK a zobrazí se vám fotka v nových rozměrech.
Pokud jste s rozměry spokojení, musíte upravenou fotku uložit. To můžete provést v nabídce Soubor > Uložit jako. Svoji fotku si pojmenujte a typ souboru zvolte "JPG". Vpravo se vám zobrazí okno s dalším nastavením - zajímat vás bude "Kvalita při uložení" - zvýrazněno oranžově.
Kvalitu doporučuji držet okolo hodnoty 80, kdy výsledná velikost fotky zabere asi dvě procenta původní velikosti.
Pro představu: V programu Zdarma byste mohli mít buď 50 fotek v původní velikosti, nebo 2500 zmenšených podle tohoto návodu. Konkrétní čísla se můžou lišit podle parametrů foťáku a rozlišení, v jakém fotíte.
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Welcome to the Community!
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm rather impressed by the welcoming and supportive atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been captivated by how supportive and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's offering advice, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an engaged and engaged community ready to interact with you.
In conclusion, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to further discover all that it has to offer. If you're new here like me, I implore you to participate, get involved, and capitalize on the abundance of expertise and fellowship that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm rather impressed by the welcoming and supportive atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been captivated by how supportive and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's offering advice, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an engaged and engaged community ready to interact with you.
In conclusion, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to further discover all that it has to offer. If you're new here like me, I implore you to participate, get involved, and capitalize on the abundance of expertise and fellowship that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm rather impressed by the welcoming and supportive atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been captivated by how supportive and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's offering advice, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an engaged and engaged community ready to interact with you.
In conclusion, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to further discover all that it has to offer. If you're new here like me, I implore you to participate, get involved, and capitalize on the abundance of expertise and fellowship that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm rather impressed by the welcoming and supportive atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been captivated by how supportive and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's offering advice, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an engaged and engaged community ready to interact with you.
In conclusion, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to further discover all that it has to offer. If you're new here like me, I implore you to participate, get involved, and capitalize on the abundance of expertise and fellowship that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm rather impressed by the welcoming and supportive atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been captivated by how supportive and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's offering advice, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an engaged and engaged community ready to interact with you.
In conclusion, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to further discover all that it has to offer. If you're new here like me, I implore you to participate, get involved, and capitalize on the abundance of expertise and fellowship that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
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